Sheffield English School�� ����ִ� ���� ������ �����ϴ�
�б��Դϴ�. �� �б��� Ư¡�� Spoken English�� ���� ������ �ΰ� ������ �մϴ�. ���� ���� ���нǽ���
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�˴ϴ�. ���۰� ���ط¿� ����� ���� Essay �� Reading class�� ���� �ð��� �Ҿ��ϰ� �˴ϴ�.
General English Course�� 6 level�� ����ȭ�Ǹ�, ������ �Ƿ��� Test �� �� ������
�ϰ� �˴ϴ�. ������ ���� ����3�ð�, ����2�ð��� 5�ð����� ����, �����Ϻ��� �ݿ��ϱ��� ����Ǹ�, ������
������ ���� Full Time �� Part Time course �� ���� �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.
������ ���� �����ϸ��� �����մϴ�. |
Course length 2 weeks to 48 weeks.
Classes are organised into 12 weeks modules
IELTS �غ���� ���� �ݰ� �Ϲ� Course ������ ���е˴ϴ�. IELTS �غ� ������ ��������,
ȣ�� ���� ���� ij����, �̱� ������ ����������� ���� ��ȣ�ϴ� ���� �����Դϴ�. ���������� ������
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����ɷ��� ������ ����� �����մϴ�. �� Academic Course�� ���������� �о��� ���� ����
�� �� ���� ������ ����Ƿ��� ��������, �Ϲ� General course�� ��ٷ� Secondary
School (�߰����б�) ������ �о�, Ȥ�� ���� �� �� ��Ȱ���� �������� ��� �����Կ� �ֽ��ϴ�.
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4�� �о߷� ������ ġ���� �˴ϴ�. Speaking�� Listening�� ������ Academic
course�� General Course ���� ������ Reading�� Writing�� ������ Academic
course �� General course�� �ٸ� ������ ġ���� �˴ϴ�. ������ 0-9������ �з��Ǹ�,
Academic course�� 6.0 �̻��� ������ ���;� �ϸ� �̰��� ������ ��κ��� 6.5 �̻���
������ �䱸�մϴ�. �Ϲ��̹��� ��� �̹μ����� General Course���� 5.0 �̻��� ������
IELTS �غ���� 6�� �������� ����Ǹ� course ������ �� test�� �� ������ �ϰ� �˴ϴ�
Full-time: 25
hours per week
Part-time: 15 hours per week
Morning Class/Afternoon Class
All courses begin every Monday (except public holiday).
(New Zealand government imposed goods and services tax of
All tuition fees for classes.
The use of texts and learning equipment whilst on the course
and during self directed study time on campus
Access to all school facilities and equipment during school
hours or by arrangement with the tutor in charge after class
Processing, recording and reporting of assessment results
and personal data.
Limited free internet access.
Not Included in your Course Fees:(called personal expenses)
Optional activities after class hours.
These will be offered on a weekly basis and will consist of
similar activities and costing as listed.
(Note costing may be subject to change)
Local bus ride $2 - $5.00
A swim at the local pool $3.75
A movie $10.00
The zoo $12.00
Rainbow's End Amusement Park $20.00
Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium $22.00
Auckland Museum $5.00
Rent roller blades $7/hour
Play golf $20.00
Auckland Art Gallery FREE
Boat trip on the harbour $20.00
Top of the Sky Tower $15.00
Maritime Museum (including sail) $10.00
Hire a car from $39/day